
BioBasket is an ingredient-recipe kit delivery service that portions items to the exact amount needed, alleviating the opportunity for excess food and packaging to go to waste. By using a truly compostable bioplastic packaging, we're able to commit to a 100% zero waste policy. While other meal kits on the market ship in traditional plastic and take years to decompose, our biodegradable packaging composts in just a few weeks.

Product Introduction

The inspiration behind this meal kit came from my personal experience with food growing up. Cooking and sharing a meal has always been the most important moment in the day for my family. No matter where we were or what we did throughout the day, we would always talk about our experiences while cooking and eating dinner – there was never a day missed. However, as I grew older, my parents busied themselves with work. In turn, we had to find new ways to share meals in the kitchen. So, we turned to meal kits for a time.

We enjoyed learning new recipes, discussing new techniques and experiencing new flavors, but every venture was stopped by the piles of plastic that ended up filling our garage. After years of witnessing the amount of plastic coming and going in our own household, I had a personal itch to make change within this industry. The meal kit I designed aims to bring back the shared bond brought about by cooking, without the side of landfill.

Packaging Waste

Current meal kits on the market come delivered with a mountain of plastic. While companies argue that it’s important to keep food sanitary with these wrappers, it comes at the cost of the environment. After speaking with meal-kit users, many explained that they stopped using the service because of this.

© Diascias Zheng 2024Resume / Linkedin